Saturday, October 31, 2015

Oct. 23 Shreveport, La. to Georgetown, Tx.

One of the advantages to living in Arizona are that I don't get many headaches from barometric  pressure-I had several each week in Washington.  Today I have the 9th one on my trip.  Another is that we have little humidity.  This morning at 7:30 the temperature is 72 and the humidity is probably the same or more.  We were driving in light rain and then it poured for two hours.  We drove past a lot of small towns and there was very little Fall color.  There was an accident on the Interstate, with traffic backed up who knows how long. We inched toward an exit and got off for lunch.  Asked waittress about a back road and took it until we had passed the scene of the accident.  By that time there was one in the opposite lanes and traffic was backed up 5 or 6 miles, at least.

We are staying in Georgetown, where the daughter and family of Carl and Carole Washburn live.  Carl was Tom's commander in Fairbanks part of the time.  We were camping buddies and our kids were all basically the same ages.  Carl played guitar and enjoyed doing it with Tom.  He told us he has barely touched it since he left us in 1981, but he went out and bought a new one to have while we're here.  The kids and grandkids, and other relatives are all musical, so Carl has set up several hours of jamming and individual performances for tomorrow.

They had torrential rains while driving from San Antonio and eventually met us for dinner.  The to Jennifer's to meet her family.  They left Alaska when she was 3-1/2 and we saw her once 20+ years ago.  She's now 38.

The next morning another daughter drove us around Georgetown in the rain.  She showed us the Del Webb subdivision there where Carl and Carole lived for a short time.  Ours will have 529 houses.  This one has over 7000.  We had a lot of fun with all the music and visiting that afternoon and evening.  It rained 8" in their rain gauge, from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening, and it had probably overflowed.

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