Thursday, October 22, 2015

Oct. 20 Driving through VA., TN., N.C., On the Blue Ridge Parkway, and visiting Appomattox

37 degrees early morning in Richmond.  Pine trees line the road, then all kinds of trees, but very little color on the leaves yet.  It was in the 80's here last week.

We drove 94 miles of the 469 mile Blue Ridge Parkway.  It is a two lane road with speeds of 35-45 mph.  which runs through 29 counties in Va. and N.C.  So these miles took us 3 hours.  Some varieties of trees have colored leaves, but many don't.  Yet many leaves have fallen.  There were several bluebird houses along the road.

Various elevations we noted were 1495, 2889, 3013.  We could see for miles, with layers of mountains, but it was often hazy in the distance.  Some overlooks were blocked by large trees.  Some look way off at towns and mountains.  We drove mostly through forest land, but occasionally saw bare land, a farm, church, a good sized cemetery on a hill above a farm, several large ponds, old barns, etc.

We saw a lot of split rail fences, including this one at Appomattox

                              This is the house where General Lee surrendered to general Grant

Later in the day we drove a stretch of highway called  the Purple heart Trail.  Now, in N.C., we're on the Blue Star Highway, "honoring our armed forces".  10-1/2 hour day.  Dinner at Cracker Barrel here in Asheville, N.C.

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