Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 24 Driving to Ishpeming, Mich

This is one of those trips Tom calls getting from point A to B.  No real pretty scenery etc.  Already 77 and humid at 9:30.  We have to back track through a few of the small towns where we were this week.  When Tom was in grade school his dad was a traveling salesman for nails, wire, wire fencing etc. out of Green Bay.  One summer he rode with his dad for the 5 day week and he remembers being in some of these small towns like Hancock and Houghton.  We passed Michigan Tech, where HUGE Victorian homes are now frat and sorority houses.  In front of a business was a HUGE bear trap and a big sign saying "Big government crushes freedom."
I think Star Wars was the movie with the Klingons.  We just passed Klingville.  Hmm.  Sign in construction zone:  "injure of kill a worker - $7500 and 15 years."

Finally found a place that was making pasties (pass-tees) today.  Picture a pita, but this is a little larger with a pinched edge on one side.  This is what the miners took to work-filled with beef or fish, potatoes, rutabaga, onion.  They would hold it over the lantern in the mine to heat it.  It really didn't have a lot of taste, but s & p and a little jalapeno catsup helped!  This tiny restaurant has been in the same family for 80 years in Ishpeming.  In the winter they bake 300+ pasties daily and 600 fresh daily in the summer because of tourists!  They bake cookies and very large cinnamon rolls, pizza.  Pizza and pasties are all that are on their sign out front.  I think they'd sell a lot of baked goods if it was on the sign.  We've noticed a lot of ways people could improve their business already.  It was the baker here who told us her sister lives by Betty's Pies in Two Harbors, Mn.

Ok, we're dying here!  90 degrees and so humid that the sweat is running down our faces.  Is supposed to cool down to high 60's, low 70's where we'll be this weekend-yay!

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