Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 14, 2010 N.D and on to Minn.

For our Catholic friends: we stopped to take a picture of Basillica of St. James in Jamestown, N.D. It was built in 1910 and is one of only 60 minor basillicas in America.
Flags Across America. A veteran's memorial to N.D. soldiers killed between the Phillipines and now. The 30 x 60' flag had not been hung for the summer.
Fargo Air Museum (air museum #1 we have stopped at! That's been a joke -how many will he view?) I fixed lunch while he toured it. Very interesting planes and nice WWII memorabilia.
That's all we did in Fargo. By early afternoon it was sunny and 73 degrees. About 30 degrees warmer than we've had for more than a week and the first sun in almost 2 weeks!
Detroit Lakes Minn. Had reservations made on Long Lake, so got settled and walked down to the lake. Went into town and had Tom's birthday dinner on Detroit Lake. Woman next to us had a birthday and we heard how they treat someone, so we told them it was Tom's. His dinner was $11 and they took $10 off, gave him his Coke free and brought a free huge chunk of cake for us to share. I had walleye almondine and could only eat half of it - it must have been 8" by 4". Not much flavor.
Trains-We were near no./so. and east/west lines and one went by on one or the other every few minutes. The one actually went across the highway, a few miles out of town. Weird.

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