Monday, May 24, 2010

May 20 Leaving Minn and entering Wisc

Walked down a steep path to the lake before breaking camp.  The huge rock formations reminded me of the Devil's Causeway in No. Ireland that I've seen pics of.  Tom said they should be the same type of rocks.  But in these we saw iron ore lines that have seeped in over the eons.  And this whole area was a huge sea a billion years ago.
Leaving Minn.  We'll be back and forth between Wisc, Mich and Minn over the next 5 weeks.  It isn't like driving across WA or Colo.  You go a few miles around a bay of Lake Superior and you're in the next state.  Drove back thru Superior, Wi where the WWII museum and mansion were and today there were several large lakers in the harbor.  This area often has 35" of snow per month. 
Wisc.  the first rest area we saw had a playground in it-what a neat way for the kids to run off energy too.  First time we've ever seen that.  Lots of farms and a gorgeous, huge red barn in perfect condition that said built in 1929.  So many have deteriorated and it is a shame.  We saw lots of fields full of dandelions and Tom suggested this is where they grow them for the city yards.  We weren't that far frm Superior where the temp was 70 and stopped at a wayside to eat lunch and it was 52 by the lake and here the water was brown.
Ehler's General Store-blt 1915-in Cornucopia, Wi-its northernmost town.  There we found the first postcard we'd seen with a fish and here we were in Wi-it was of several men from the town and their catch-many are deceased now, per the clerk.  Passed a sign in a driveway that said "Finnsville-pop. 2".
Arrived at our campsite outside of Red Cliff Indian Reservation, still on the Lake.  Relaxed and walked across street to their small casino.  Spent $4, won 27 and came home with 8.  Big gamblers we are.  Relaxed all evening, after I went to laundromat.  Funny how we've had to do things like oil change, car wash, laundry, groceries and other shopping!  Lakeside campground.  Talked briefly with a couple who arrived with their sailboat for the 25th summer- and they're from Mnpls.  We thought, why would they come to Wisc with all those Minn lakes.  But after sailing around the Apostles the following day, we could understand why they like it.  See May 21 about that.

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