Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10th - Catching you up with what's been happening

The staph infection really hit me. Affected my white count, oxygen levels, speeded up my heart rate and dropped my blood pressure as low as 79/35. I was in Wed-Fri with antibiotic infusions and heparin shots (to avoid clots) every 8 hours. Sat, Sun and Mon went to outpatient for 1 daily antibiotic infusion. After today's infusion, went to Doctor's office where he prescribed 5 days of antibiotic pills and released me to travel on! We are very thankful it happened in his mom's town. Her pastor visited 2 days and we had a relaxing weekend and Tom sang one song during service Sunday. We only drove 4 hrs today and tomorrow will drive around here (Miles City, MT) for a bit before heading to the border of No Dak., which will only take about 2 hours. We will take it real easy the next 3 days as I am still worn out!

We woke up to snow Thurs am and it has been windy and chilly. Eastern Mont. and ND. have had temps 15-20 degrees below normal, but this week is to be nicer and it is 61 here now.

Luckily the Campbell "campground" had a huge L shaped driveway. Mr. T certainly knows how to back this monster in! I was zonked in the bed after the morphine and infusion and didn't even help guide him, as planned. The mountain picture is taken from her deck! Is this a million dollar view or what? Mountains in both directions for as far as you can see. Downtown, Interstate 90 in the distance and then the mountains.

Seen on a church bulletin board in Livingston: Remember the banana. When he left the bunch he got skinned!

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