Monday, July 5, 2010

July 3 & 4 Greenleaf Cousins reunion pictures

Greenleaf cousins:
Mark, Brenda,Jerry, Linda,
Duane, Ev, Joan, Kay.
Duane and Jerry were like big
brothers to us.  They are friends
of our cousin, Doug.  Jerry lived
on the same street and Duane
became family after his parents
died.  Mark, Joan and Kay are
siblings.  Their brothers Kent, IA.,
and Doug, FL., were unable to attend.  Our other 3 cousins are siblings and
unable to attend:  Craig, OR., Glenn, WA. and Kathy, Alaska.  Mark lives
in an assisted living facility which graciously loaned us their dining room
both afternoons.  We 5 girls decided we are going to New York City or
someplace together next summer.  I hadn't seen Joan and Kay for 21 years.
Dad would never buy bikes for we girls, so they taught us how to ride theirs
when we were over there.  Last month we found the shirt I am wearing.  It says
 "I can't remember if I'm the evil sister or the good one."

Marilyn will be 90 this week.  She is
dad's brother, Alva's (deceased) wife,
and the mother of her own 5 kids and
Duane and Jerry!

Mom is 85.  It was a long trip from
Denver and fun-filled weekend, so she was
comfortable in her new wheelchair.
Usually uses a walker.

Belva is the wife of dad's brother, Homer, (deceased).  She lives in Oregon and is the
mom of the 3 cousins who couldn't attend.  As it turned out, they were moving
her from one city in OR. to another this weekend.

Birthday cake for Linda and Marilyn.  Marilyn told me she
was sure I was a good sister!

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