Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 23 Driving from Livingston to Post Falls, ID. and views of Lake Couer D'Alene

Coming around a curve
in Montana

Hillside with many dead

Driving across the top
of one of the mountain
passes - glad our blowout
was close to town instead!

View of  Lake Couer D'Alene from atop the Veterans Memorial Bridge.  The lake is at least 26 miles long and beautiful.  There is a golf course there that has a floating green in the lake.  It used to be the only floating one there was.  They were building the golf course and hotel when we lived in Spokane  '85-'88.  Can't remember exactly when it was.  To this day, corporations in Japan and other places send employees here for a few days to play golf!  The town has lots of neat shops and restaurants.

Jacque's kids-Dalton is 12-1/2 and Peyton is 5

Couer D'Alene Resort in CDA, Id.  Owner is Duane Hagadone, who owns several newspapers around America, including the Sioux City Journal (at one time, anyway).  Jacque won a door prize at a company dinner a few years ago which consisted of a night's stay in a penthouse (2600 sq ft.!).  Lots of boats moored there and many more come in daily to ride on the lake.  We saw a new one for sale that day - only $399,800.

Part of the floating boardwalk in front of the hotel-it iss a huge square that goes around the marina

People were jumping off this cliff into the lake

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